
cole davidson.

Non-fictional fictional character.

Eternal student of humanity and its music, stories and histories.

Sometime teacher and social-commentator.

Constant observer and mythographer.

Continually amazed by the wonder of the imagination as it seeks to define and describe the human experience.

Ph.D. in Religious Studies.

Which means I know a lot about being human.

And creating gods.

And why, sometimes, it’s necessary to uncreate the gods we have created.

Follow me @coleminer243

The copyright stuff…

©colemining, 2013-2016

Unauthorized use or duplication of original material without express and written permission from the blog’s author is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts and links can be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to colemining with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

62 comments on “About

  1. amb says:

    Hi Cole! Thanks so much for the follow! Have read through some of your recent posts and am looking forward to diving in and catching up. Very much liking what I see so far 🙂 Cheers!

  2. Cole,

    You’re “about” really has me looking forward to future exchange of ideas. Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Ph.D.?

    • colemining says:

      Thank you!
      Only very much in passing, since his approach tends to be somewhat less than academic/scholarly. I don’t have a great deal of exposure to any contemporary theologians, generally speaking, since my interest lies more in how we came to believe the things we do than in the defence of such beliefs in the here and now, but his approach lies at an especially great distance from my methodologies.

  3. I’ve rather enjoyed Farrell’s academically heretical – to put it mildly – books outside of theology / patristics (haven’t read the genuine academic works).

    Along a similarly heretical vein, I’ve hypothetically interpreted the myth of Narcissus (Ovid’s version) as being a metaphor for actual information regarding narcissists and narcissism.

    I was inspired by the books “Hamlet’s Mill” and “The Origin Map” to do so. The results are interesting.

    Not certain as to whether or not this delves into your areas of interest.

    • colemining says:

      Interesting certainly. I’m not familiar with ‘The Origin Map’, but the interpretation- and re-interpretation- of myths is certainly one of the things I am very focused on- professionally and here at my little blog. Your interpretation sounds intriguing- especially in light of the adoption of the designation ‘narcissist’ as a psychological/pathological descriptor.

      ‘Hamlet’s Mill’ is, as you know, not widely embraced by the academic community as theoretically valid or supportable by historical evidence, but I do think that some of the ideas posited about the concept of the ‘monomyth’ (especially as explored by someone like Joseph Campbell) have some significance.

      • joshuabertetta8306 says:

        Cole, and by extension to Navigator, in regards to the re-interpretation of myth, specifically Narcissus. Navigator states that Narcissus is a metaphor for actual information regarding narcissism. Narcissists, by definition, have an inflated sense of their own importance, ie grandiosity, expect others to gratify themselves, yet lack sensitivity to the needs of others. Sure, we all know that. Can we see some of these elements in his myth? Sure, but was Narcissus and narcissist? I’m not so sure. I think he’s been given a bad rap through the history of psychology. Sure, he had too much pride, writes Ovid, that none could touch his heart. Holding a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies, I, like you, am interested in how we make sense of our world–and isn’t part of that process coming to know who we are? Yes, Narcissus does what most would claim is “narcissistic,” but I think most commentary on his myth ignores one essential–perhaps the most essential element of his myth: when his mother asks the seer Tireisias if Narcissus will live to see old age, the old wise man replies, “Yes, if he never knows himself.” Narcissus dies young, implying he came to know himself. That capacity for self-knowledge is, I would hazard to say, as far from narcissism as you can get. Just another perspective in the wonderful game that is the interpretation of myth.

      • colemining says:

        Thanks for visiting! Narcissism- and the pathological NPD- seems to be everywhere these days. Not being a psychologist, I am not really qualified to talk about the intricacies of the designation(s) and the characteristics that are associated with ‘being a narcissist’, beyond what I have had to say on the subject in other posts hereabouts.

        I very much agree that such appellations- drawn from mythology- often take only the most superficial elements of the original stories/characters, and as such, the characters often end up getting a bad rap in the annals of history. That said, I always interpret the myth to read that even if he was self-aware, his self-involvement led him away from others and resulted in his isolation and eventual death. There are certainly complexities in the original(s) that are not represented when we co-opt the name- and apply it variously (to those who like themselves too much and/or to those who have a clinically-recognized personality disorder), but I agree that the overall cautionary tale at the heart of the myth retains value for its message of the avoidance of too much introspection and self-love/knowledge.

        I really appreciate you stopping by- it’s always great to get an interpretation from an expert in the field!

      • joshuabertetta8306 says:

        Thanks for your reply–indeed there seems to be much caution in the story and yes, it would seem the search for self knowledge could be isolating. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

      • colemining says:

        This is one of the many wonderful things about our myths- there is so much in them that tells us about the various ways we look for answers about what it means to be human. Thank you again for the visit.

  4. My interest in this broader field started with Hapgood’s “Map of the Ancient Sea Kings.” His research and arguments were too rational to summarily dismiss, and the repercussions of his work were significant, if true.

    Thomas G. Brophy, Ph.D. is an astronomer who wrote “The Origin Map: Discovery of a Prehistoric, Megalithic, Astrophysical Map and Sculpture of the Universe.” If Brophy is correct, and again his arguments are too rational to summarily dismiss, some pre-dynastic Egyptian civilization may have surpassed our current level of scientific knowledge.

    Based on this, I’ve posited that there may be more than just precessional astronomy knowledge embedded with the “Hamlet’s Mill” proto myth.

    Perhaps not, but it’s a fascinating field.

  5. colemining says:

    A little out of my wheelhouse for sure. I work with the archaeological, literary and historical primary sources as much as possible in attempting to piece together the whys and wherefores of history so astronomy and astrophysics are way beyond my ken!

  6. Colemining, thank you so much for the follow. Hopefully all is working OK but in clicking on my followers to say thanks for the latest batch I have been informed that I now have a grand total of ZERO followers.Not too sure where the other 310 went…….Hope to be back soon in normal condition…MM 🍀

  7. Cole thanks again for taking part in Project O! I appreciate you taking the time not only to fill out the survey but also in responding to comments. I hope this project has been what you were expecting and thanks again for participating! -OM

  8. colemining says:

    You have been a great facilitator!

  9. Fascinating bio…but is it true?

      • Cool. The professor wants to know more now!

      • colemining says:

        Well… my doctorate is in Religion and Culture (Religious Studies) and my dissertation was on a 4th century CE Coptic Xian/gnostic apocalyptic document that was discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945. I have been privileged to teach a variety of undergraduate level courses in everything from Mesopotamian, Egyptian and biblical (OT and NT) mythology, to apocalyptic literary traditions throughout history, to new religious movements, and (my favourite) Gnosticism/dualism and heresy. I self-define as an historian who studies texts and communication- with a little bit of sociology, anthropology and psychology thrown in there for good measure. Basically, as I mentioned, I study people and the way we try to make sense of our world- through various temporal, geographical and cultural contexts.

      • Goodness! And cool. I wonder what you would think of the Punchy Lands.

      • colemining says:

        As soon as I have a space of time to give the Punchy Lands my full attention I plan on checking them out!

      • Nice! Looking forward to your visit!

  10. trashbus says:

    Hello Cole, thank you very much for stopping by @trashbus and for following! Your About-section is interesting and I loooove the Ishtar gate with the lions in the background. You probably know that the gate is exhibited at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin? I like going to the museum to just simply stare at the gate – it is something that makes me feel the concepts of history and eternity. Although I still don’t understand them 🙂 Anyways, I am looking forward to reading more!

    • colemining says:

      Hi @trashbus! The Ishtar Gate is a thing of beauty! I have seen the gate in Berlin, and we have one of the lions at the Royal Ontario Museum- I love to visit and feel the weight of the history. That is exactly the wonder of the gate- and all the other artifacts we are fortunate to be able to see and appreciate. It is humbling and wondrous both to trace the passage of time and the continuity of humanity as we move through the ages. Thanks for visiting- and for following!

  11. Prasad says:

    Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. Loved your write-ups. I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. 🙂 Your vision and thoughts are indeed a revelation. Great work. Happy blogging.

    • colemining says:

      Prasad! Welcome- and thanks for visiting and for your kind words! You have a lovely site as well- hope we will be able to share some thoughts and visions in the days to come.

  12. bethbyrnes says:

    And I thought my fascination with the 11th century Byzantine wool trade was arcane! Glad to find a fellow “people studier”, lol.

    • colemining says:

      Yes, I do enjoy delving into the little-known constructs and literatures. I find that the more outré stuff is often the most illustrative of what’s going on with people in various times periods. I say thank goodness that there are people like us who like to investigate the outer limits of humanity!

  13. ksbeth says:

    yep, look forward to reading you. and thanks for following my words too – best, beth

  14. KvnKrft says:

    Good morning, what is the best way to get in touch with you? I am working on a Education Technology start-up and would love your feedback on the concept. It is designed to help students study, but also provide an earning opportunity to students and teachers.

    All the best from Calgary,


    • colemining says:

      Kevin- Thank you for visiting! I would love to speak to you about this idea- I think it addresses a necessary area in the realm of education. You can send me an email at coleminer243@gmail.com and we speak more. I look forward to the discussion!
      Hope you’re warmer out in Calgary than we are here in Toronto this morning!

  15. “Non-Fictional Fictional Character….I love that! Just dropped in and can see I have a lot of exploring ahead of me. Wow, just wow! Great set-up and content here. Very nice of you to visit and follow me so I could retrace the breadcrumbs back to this richness!
    take care,

  16. I never know where to do this or the best way of doing it so… I’ve nominated you for a one lovely blog award, hope it doesn’t hurt (closes eyes and crosses fingers – like that makes a difference) – http://anupturnedsoul.wordpress.com/2014/02/08/one-lovely-blog-award-nomination-colemining-made-of-the-myth/

    Love your blog!

    • colemining says:

      Ursula- as I commented on your page… Thank you so very kindly! Your words are so very appreciated- as is the nomination for the award. So happy that you appreciate my thoughts- I very much enjoy visiting you and reading your own insights.
      You have truly made my day!

  17. Uncreate is the key that opens original creativity. Deconstructing stone by stone!

  18. wingedprisms says:

    Thank you so much for the visit 😀

  19. Victoria says:

    Thanks so much for the follow, returned the love!

  20. Hi, Cole,
    Congratulations! I have nominated your blog for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. You can find information at: http://rachelcarrera.wordpress.com/2014/03/11/wonderful-team-member-readership-award/
    Best wishes!

  21. Hey there, I have just nominated you for the “I’m NOT Featured on Freshly Pressed” Award. You can find the details over on my blog at http://rachelcarrera.wordpress.com/2014/03/23/im-not-featured-on-freshly-pressed/. 🙂

  22. sandradan1 says:

    Hi Cole, thank you so much for the follow. I found your blog via Rachel’s nomination. I’m NOT Freshly Pressed, either! SD

    • colemining says:

      I haven’t had a chance to respond properly to Rachel’s lovely nomination. I fear that it was given in error- although with her truly wonderful spirit- since I don’t qualify any longer- having been Freshly Pressed last week. I look forward to reading your thoughts on reading and writing in the days to come. Thank you for coming to visit!

  23. belsbror says:

    Greetings! Awards time, fellow blogger!
    I nominate you for The Inner Peace and The Peace and Justice Awards.
    You can check. http://wp.me/p32YrK-1tx for more details.
    Have a wonderful day!

  24. Herman says:

    Hi there, Cole! Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!

  25. Shoot me an email if you’re interested in guest authoring. =)


  26. I posted a comment on the 19th – in case it landed in your Spam bc my email addy was in it.

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